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The Money of Soul and Possibility Control Ep 2

39 ViewsJun 26, 2023

"The Money of Soul and Possibility Control" Episode 2 titled "Coincidence" continues the story of Kimimaro Yoga, a college student, who has been introduced to the world of financial deals in an alternate dimension called The Financial District. In this world, people use money as a weapon to fight against each other and gain riches and power. In the previous episode, Kimimaro met Masakaki, a mysterious figure who offered him a deal to enter The Financial District. Kimimaro agreed to take the offer and found himself in the midst of a battle between two Entrepreneurs, Msyu and Q, who were fighting using their assets, which represented their futures. In Episode 2, Kimimaro learns more about the mechanics of The Financial District. He discovers that when an Entrepreneur loses all their assets, they are immediately plunged into bankruptcy, leaving them in debt for the rest of their lives. Kimimaro's Asset, Msyu, takes him on a tour of The Financial District, introducing him to fellow Entrepreneurs and explaining the rules of the game. While exploring, they encounter a young girl who seems to be lost and in need of help. Kimimaro wants to help the girl, but Msyu tells him to leave her alone. Before they can do anything, they are attacked by several other Entrepreneurs, led by the sinister-looking Mikuni. Msyu and Kimimaro are forced to retreat, with Kimimaro realizing that this world is not as simple as he initially thought. Overall, Episode 2 sets up the central conflict of the series, exploring the dichotomy between wealth and power, and the cost that comes with chasing both. Additionally, it raises critical questions about morality and the consequences of one's actions in a world where money reigns supreme.
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