If you were asked to choose one of these six abilities, what would you choose?
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If you could have any of their abilities, whose abilities would you want the most?
If there is no terrain killing, who of them has the most unstoppable ability?
If you were asked to save Da Qiao, what would you choose?
If you could have their abilities, whose abilities would you most want to have?
If you were to be possessed by a powerful being, which of them would you choose?
If you were asked to choose one of these six foods, what would you choose?
If you were asked to be an ordinary person among these four anime, which one would you choose?
If you could get one of these six stand-ins, which one would you choose?
Which of these four things is most useful to you?
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If they fight, who will win?
If you were possessed by a powerful being, which of them would you choose?
If you were asked to choose two from these six props, what would you choose?
If you could choose one of these six props, what would you choose?
If you were asked to choose 2 out of these 6 items, what would you choose?
If you were asked to choose one of the six items, what would you choose?
If you were asked to choose one of these six items, what would you choose?
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