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Makmum (2019) | Titi Kamal, Ali Syakieb, Tissa Biani, Bianca Hello | English Subtitle

3.3K Ditonton02/01/2024

The magical figure called Makmum (the follower) by the residents of a dormitory is increasingly disturbing since Rini settles back in the dormitory to fulfill the request of Mrs. Kinanti whose health continues to decline. Rosa, the new leader of the dormitory, does not respond to the fears of three students: Nurul, Nisa, Putri who are allowed leaving the dormitory during the holidays, because of their poor grades. The intensity of Putri's possessions continues to increase, making the atmosphere not conducive. Rini knows that something is wrong in the dormitory. She tries to help the students and to uncover the mystery. She does not realize that her life is threatened. -------------------- Sosok gaib yang dipanggil Makmum (pengikut) oleh penghuni asrama semakin meresahkan sejak Rini menetap kembali di asrama untuk memenuhi permintaan Bu Kinanti yang kesehatannya terus menurun. Rosa, pimpinan asrama yang baru, tidak menanggapi ketakutan tiga siswa: Nurul, Nisa, Putri yang dibolehkan keluar asrama saat liburan, karena nilai mereka yang buruk. Intensitas kesurupan Putri yang terus meningkat membuat suasana tidak kondusif. Rini tahu ada yang tidak beres di asrama. Dia mencoba membantu para siswa dan mengungkap misterinya. Dia tidak menyadari bahwa hidupnya terancam. Director: Hadrah Daeng Ratu Cast: Titi Kamal, Ali Syakieb, Tissa Biani, Bianca Hello
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  • Anime
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