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Raat Akeli Hai 2020

5.1K ViewsMar 26, 2024

"Raat Akeli Hai" is a Hindi-language crime thriller film directed by Honey Trehan. Set in the heartland of India, the story revolves around a small-town cop named Jatil Yadav, played by Nawazuddin Siddiqui, who is assigned to investigate the murder of a wealthy landlord on the night of his wedding. As Jatil delves deeper into the case, he uncovers a web of family secrets, lies, and deceit, with each member of the family holding a potential motive for the crime. Amidst a backdrop of social and political tensions, Jatil navigates through a maze of suspects and hidden agendas, ultimately unraveling the truth behind the murder. "Raat Akeli Hai" offers a gripping narrative filled with suspense, intrigue, and a reflection of societal complexities.
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