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Short Video Compilations: Etta as Amane Kanata (Hololive V-Tuber) #Part1

26 ViewsMar 10, 2024

Haloooo, so this is my video for my weekly content on BStation. Di sesi Short Video Compilation kali ini aku akan berbagi keseruan selama aku cosplay Kanata Amane (Hololive V-Tuber 4th Gen.) Jangan lupa follow dan like ya 😆🫶 #bestofbest My other platforms: Instagram: https://instagram.com/rahmaresita?igshid=OGQ5ZDc2ODk2ZA== TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@rahmaresita?_t=8gIvUSegXmp&_r=1 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/resita.016?mibextid=ZbWKwL X/Twitter: https://x.com/ligarse_?t=65vCwwLgtiv1ufmWkPe9vQ&s=09 Trakteer: https://trakteer.id/etta-j9es3 HaluApp: https://halu.app/star/renderella Editing: me! Credits: Costume: @wibucosrent (https://www.instagram.com/wibucosrent?igsh=MWN5bWd2bGp2dnh4aA==) MUA: @pipaamakeup (https://www.instagram.com/pipaamakeup?igsh=MXN1ZGVqMm5xa3YwZA==) Wallpaper Credits: https://twitter.com/chihiroayaka1/status/1433354006810611713?t=x8qBK6fuRYs6T90GaE5dLg&s=19 Instrument: (will update later) All clips, pictures, and song belong to their right owner. I do not own the rights of them.
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