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Official Trailer 2 - Trinil | Hanung Bramantyo | Carmela van der Kruk, Rangga Nattra, Wulan Guritno

693 ViewsDec 26, 2023

Usai berbulan madu, Rara dan Sutan siap memulai hidup baru. Rara berperan sebagai pewaris tunggal perkebunan teh terbesar di Jawa Tengah, sedangkan Sutan kembali menjadi perawat di rumah sakit. Kepercayaan itu terusik ketika Rara diremukkan. Tiba-tiba Sutan merasa cemas. Rara meyakinkan Sutan bahwa semuanya akan baik-baik saja dan beralasan tidurnya terganggu karena lelah mengurus perkebunan. Demi keselamatan Rara, Sutan meminta bantuan Yusof, teman sekolahnya yang kini dikenal mampu menangani berbagai kasus mistis. Awalnya Rara menolak ide Sutan, namun ketika suasana di dalam rumah semakin mencekam, Rara tidak punya pilihan lain. Siapakah hantu kepala tanpa tubuh? Mengapa dia meminta jenazahnya dikembalikan? Dan siapa sebenarnya Trinil? ----------------------------- After their honeymoon, Rara and Sutan are ready to start a new life. Rara assumes the role of sole heir to the largest tea plantation in Central Java, while Sutan returns to being a nurse at the hospital. Rara is sure they can be happy. This belief was disturbed when Rara was crushed. Sutan suddenly felt anxious. Rara assured Sutan that everything would be fine and argued that his sleep had been disturbed because he was tired of taking care of the plantation. For Rara's safety, Sutan asks for help from Yusof, his old school friend who is now known to be capable of handling various mystical cases. At first, Rara rejected Sutan's idea, but when the atmosphere in the house became increasingly tense because of the terror of the ghost of a disembodied head who kept coming while saying 'Trinil, my balekno bubble', Rara had no other choice. Who is the ghost of a head without a body? Why did he ask for his body to be returned? And who exactly is Trinil? Trinil: Return My Body by director Hanung Bramantyo, adapted from the serial drama Radio Viral in the 1980s. Trinil: Return My Body on January 4, 2024 in all cinemas in Indonesia.
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