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Princess Principal: Crown Handler Movie 3

136 ViewsOct 10, 2023

While the funeral of the assassinated Prince Edward, who was first in line to the throne, is held, the nobles of the Kingdom of Albion discuss topics such as whether the second in line, Princess Mary, or the third in line, the Duke of Arkham, Prince Richard, will succeed to the throne. How will the Duke of Normandy act? The Duke of Arkham asks the Princess whether she will side with him or the Duke of Normandy. While she wants to change the world so that all people are equal, the princess is shocked by the Duke of Arkham, the mastermind behind Edward's assassination. Meanwhile, Angie and Dorothy are assigned the task of infiltrating as Mary's ma and investigating the status of the Royal Family through Commonwealth control. Mary is devastated and exhausted by the pressures of becoming first in line to the throne. As chaos surrounds the succession to the throne, the Duke of Arkham's plot finally begins to unravel. Then the darkness that engulfs the Kingdom of Albion begins to engulf the White Dove team...ids. To watch the full movie click here: https://shrinke.us/JISO2
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