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EAS Test 2 (Fictional - READ BELOW)

17 ViewsOct 14, 2022

Full Name: Canadian Integrated Emergency Warning Broadcast (1990 - present) - FICTIONAL. Desc: In an alternate universe, in the year 1990; the Canadian Treasury Board approved the Canadian Department of Defense's plans to develop an Integrated Warning - Emergency Broadcast System, which would succeed Canada's National Attack Warning System. From 1992 onwards, this I.W.E.B.S would absorb all DOD, DOC (Department of Communications), and Treasury Board functions/fundings into ONE full entity; with Civil Defense Sirens being replaced with newer ones, while Europe went to war in Yugoslavia. Electronic Devices, Mobile Devices, Text-to-Speech and others evolved under the Integrated Warning - Emergency Broadcast System from 1992 to the present day, without even having ALERT READY exist al ALL. Info: What you are about to see, is a FICTIONAL scenario, inspired by the UK Wartime Broadcasting Service; if Canada created one for all TV Channels (without Grey Market rules). Note: FICTIONAL, NOT REAL. Made with: - Pinnacle Studios 25 Ultimate - VoiceChanger.IO (Telephone Voice effect) - UberNTSC-QT (VHS) I hope you like, subscribe, comment, etc; and I'll see you later, PEACE! DO NOT STEAL, COPY, FLAG (CLAIM), DESTROY, VANDALIZE (PLAGIARISE) THIS, OR ANY OF MY VIDEOS ON MY CHANNEL
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