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G.I. Joe: 5 Part Mini Series pt1-2 "The Cobra Strikes" "Slave of the Cobra Master"

224 ViewsNov 5, 2022

2/5 Episode Mini Series "The M.A.S.S. Device, Part 1: The Cobra Strikes When The U.S. military prepares to launch their satellite into orbit, Cobra develops the ultimate weapon known as the M.A.S.S. device, planning to steal the satellite. G.I. Joe is called into action, their leader General Flagg has Scarlett, Snake Eyes  and  Stalker  test the satellite installation's security. But while in disguise, the Baroness tags the satellite with a homing device, causing Cobra to use their device to transport forces stealing the satellite. Meanwhile, Duke is captured during the transport and the rest of the Joes must rescue him. "The M.A.S.S. Device, Part 2: Slave of the Cobra Master" The Joes begin the race to acquire the elements necessary to build their own MASS device. Cobra kidnaps Duke, using mind control device to put him in a gladiator type environment called the Arena of Sport. After Cobra discovers the Joes are searching for radioactive crystals, the race begins. Snake Eyes sacrifices himself to save his friends, acquiring the crystals while he is poisoned from the radioactivity. Duke is able to break the mind control device and is rescued by MEDEVAC. This episode includes the introduction of the second female G.I. Joe team member, Cover Girl.
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