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Lost in Space Animated TV Special 1973

129 ViewsNov 12, 2022

Craig Robinson, fresh out of Space Academy, has taken command of the Jupiter 2. Robinson takes his younger brother Link along on a routine mission from Earth to Saturn to drop off geologist Dina Carmichael. En route, the ship is battered by a meteor shower. Damaged, the Jupiter 2 is forced to land on an uncharted planet. The Lost in Space episode aired on September 8, 1973. Dr. Smith (voiced by Jonathan Harris) was the only character from the original program to appear in the special, along with the Robot (who was named Robon and employed in flight control rather than a support activity). The spacecraft was launched vertically by rocket, and Smith was a passenger rather than a saboteur. The pilot for the animated Lost in Space series was not picked up as a series, and only this episode was produced.
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