THE FARAWAY PALADIN The Lord of the Rust Mountains

THE FARAWAY PALADIN The Lord of the Rust Mountains

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最果てのパラディン 鉄錆の山の王JapanOct 6, 2023

A single human infant lives in a city of the dead, long since devastated and far from human civilization. Will is being raised by three undead: Blood, a lusty skeletal warrior, Mary, a graceful mummified priestess, and Gus, a crotchety spirit sorcerer. The three shower the boy with affection and teach him everything they know. But one day, Will wonders, "Who am I?" Will must solve the riddles of this faraway dead man's country and uncover the undead's hidden histories. He must learn the good gods' kindness and mercy, as well as the bad gods' intolerance and craziness. The youngster will start down the path toward becoming a Paladin once he has gained all of the necessary knowledge. "As I had promised. I'll tell you everything, but it will take some time. This is the tale of the many heroes that perished. You were born here, and this is the tale of how we passed away.

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